Fiche cheval speedy nova

R7C6 du

platbunbury australie1000M18315swan draught handicap (1000 metres)8 partantsdépart à 08:20
Non-partants : 1
1kia ora tatouH49p0p1p(23)9pbrayden gaerth/1
18my lovely petH56p9p6p5p4pa hearn/100:59
24santanovaF31p3pjoseph azzopardi/13/4 l
32twiggerH42p7p0p7p6pj whiting/15 l
46speedy novaF55p4p4p4p0pc johnston-porter/13/4 l
57flinders laneF44p5p6p3p4ps parnham/1encolure
63crikey mosesH37pjordan turner/1encolure
75angel academyF5(23)3p4p4p8pvictoria corver/13 l

R7C3 du

platnarrogin australie1100M14652handicap 11008 partantsdépart à 07:25
15flick the switchF41p2p3p3p4pnatasha faithfull/1
23ocean outlawH41p5p6p5p4paustin galati/1
31secret stonesH53p1p2p3p2pj whiting/1
2dodge 'emH57p7p(23)6p8pkristo sardelic/1
4duke of wellingtonH40p8p9p0p5pcassey martinan/1
6speedy novaF50p4p1p3p4pchanel cooper/1
7high precisionF78p0p(23)3p6pmadi derrick/1
8firey panzF57p6p3p4p7pjade mc naught/1

R7C4 du

platbunbury australie1100M15268white claw maiden (1100 metres)12 partantsdépart à 07:25
Non-partants : 10 - 12
11lost gravityH44p3p6p2p2pjarrad noske/1
24citinoH44p6p(22)4p4pw pike/1tete
39speedy novaF40p8plucy fiore/1cte enc.
42hoba westH48p(22)6p5p3pbrayden gaerth/1encolure
511roundabout gloryH3Inéditholly watson/11 l 3/4
65elbow loungeH46p7p4p7pj whiting/1tete
77who'd a thought itF48p7p6pluke campbell/12 l
88schino girlF46pjoseph azzopardi/13/4 l
93beausmebubbaH50p3p0p8p0pmichael poy/12 l 1/2
106cooper esseH5Inéditzephen johnston-porter/112 l
10history won't careH3Inéditc johnston-porter/1
12play diceF35pjade mc naught/1
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